The UserStatus type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyForwardNumber
Gets the status forwarded number.
Public propertyICServers
Gets the list of IC Servers.
Public propertyIsInitialized
Indicates whether this status has been initialized and is valid.
Public propertyIsStale
Gets a value indicating whether the user status is stale or not.
Public propertyLoggedIn
Gets a value indicating whether the user is currently logged in.
Public propertyNotes
Gets the status notes.
Public propertyOnPhone
Gets a value indicating whether the user is on the phone.
Public propertyOnPhoneChanged
Gets the time the current user went on the phone.
Public propertyOnPhoneChangedHasValue
Returns if the server set a valid DateTime value for OnPhoneChanged.
Public propertyPresenceServer
Gets the name of the server that is providing status for this user.
Public propertyStations
Gets the list of stations.
Public propertyStatusChanged
Gets the time the user started in this status.
Public propertyStatusChangedHasValue
Returns if the server set a valid DateTime value for StatusChanged.
Public propertyStatusMessageDetails
Gets the status message definition.
Public propertyUntilDate
Gets the status until date.
Public propertyUntilTime
Gets the status until time.
Public propertyUserId
Gets the unique identifier for this user status entry. This is the IC User name.

Collapse imageSee Also