The ININ.IceLib.Reporting.Interactions.Details namespace contains classes that provide a more detailed breakdown of the InteractionSnapshot.

Collapse imageClasses

Public classConferenceParty
Represents a conference party in an interaction.
Public classInteraction
This class represents the snapshot of an interaction at a point in time. It provides a more detailed breakdown of an InteractionSnapshot.
Public classInteractionEvent
Represents an event that occurs within an interaction. An event has a time, but no duration.
Public classInteractionSegment
Represents a segment that occurred during an interaction.
Public classInteractionSegmentParameterValue
Represents a parameter, including type, raw value, and display value.
Public classLocalParty
Represents a local party in an interaction.

Collapse imageEnumerations

Public enumerationDispositionType
Represents the disposition of an interaction.
Public enumerationInteractionDirection
Represents the direction of the interaction.
Public enumerationInteractionEventType
The type of an event that occurred within an interaction.
Public enumerationInteractionSegmentParameterType
Represents the type of a parameter. This is used to map the values from the server into strongly typed values.
Public enumerationInteractionSegmentType
Represents the type of the interaction segment.

Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 SU 5 and beyond.