The FaxMessage type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAttachments
Gets the list of attachments on this FaxMessage.
Public propertyBody
Gets the body text of this FaxMessage.
Public propertyCc
Gets the list of recipients carbon-copied on this FaxMessage.
Public propertyDateReceived
Gets the DateTime this FaxMessage was received.
Public propertyFrom
Gets the sender of the FaxMessage.
Public propertyHasBeenRead
Gets a flag indicating whether this FaxMessage is marked as read or unread.
Public propertyId
Gets the ID of this FaxMessage.
Public propertyImportance
Gets the importance level of this FaxMessage.
Public propertyMoniker
Gets the moniker of this FaxMessage.
Public propertySensitivity
Gets the sensitivity level of this FaxMessage.
Public propertySubject
Gets the subject of the FaxMessage.
Public propertyTo
Gets the list of recipients for this FaxMessage.

Collapse imageSee Also