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Filter the Data in a Data Grid

Some data grids allow you to limit the data that displays in the data grid based on one or more criteria you specify.

To filter data in a data grid

  1. Locate the data grid on the Dashboard.

Grid gadget

  1. Click the Filter icon Filter icon for the column to set limits. A Filter dialog box appears.

Filter dialog box

Operator: Operator to use to compare the selected column to a value.

Value: Value to compare to the selected column.

Boolean: Allows you to create a relationship between values.

The following table describes the operators available for filtering a data grid.




Is Equal To

Displays records that match the value specified.

Month is equal to "October" only displays records where the month is October.

Is Not Equal To

Displays records that do not match the value specified.

Month is not equal to "October" only displays records where the month is any month except October.

Starts with

Displays records that start with the value specified.

Month starts with "J" only displays records for months that start with the letter J.


Displays records that contain the value specified.

Month contains "ber" only displays records where the month contains the letters "ber" in that order.

Does not Contain

Displays records that do not contain the value specified.

Month contains "ber" only displays records where the month does not contain the letters "ber" in that order.

Ends with

Displays records that end with the value specified.

Month ends with "Y" only displays records for months that end with the letter Y.


Displays records that match both values specified.

Month starts with "J" and month ends with "Y" only displays records for months that start with the letter J and end with the letter Y.  


Displays records that match either one of the values specified.

Month is equal to "October" or month is equal to "November" only displays records where the month is October or November.

  1. In the Operator list box, click the operator.

  2. In the Value box, type the value to compare.

  3. To specify a second expression to evaluate, in the Boolean list box, click the Boolean operator and then specify the Operator and Value.

  4. Click Filter. Dashboard updates the data grid to reflect the filter criteria. Dashboard only displays the records that meet the specified criteria.

Tip: To remove a filter, click Clear.

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Data Grids

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