- Contents
Exchange Manager Help
Legal Ledger Table
The Legal Ledger table contains legal ledger information for accounts. Each account can have multiple legal ledger records.
Field Name |
Description |
Length |
Data Type |
Parent Table and Field |
Import Types |
AccountID |
Code that Latitude assigned to identify the account. For new business imports, don't map this field. For maintenance imports, you must map this field to ensure that Exchange Manager locates the correct account. |
4 |
Integer |
Master/Number |
NB, M |
Customer |
Code that identifies the customer. You must have already created this code in Latitude. |
7 |
VarChar |
None |
NB |
LegalLedgerID |
Code that Latitude assigned to identify the ledger record. |
4 |
Integer |
None |
NB, M |
ItemDate |
Date a user created the ledger item. |
8 |
DateTime |
None |
NB, M |
Created |
Date a user created the ledger entry. |
8 |
DateTime |
None |
NB, M |
Description |
Description of the ledger item. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
LegalLedgerTypeID |
Code that identifies the type of ledger item. You must have already created this code in Latitude. |
4 |
Integer |
None |
NB, M |
LegalLedgerTypeCode |
Latitude code that identifies the ledger account to which to apply the debit or credit. |
None |
NB, M |
DebitAmt |
Amount to debit from the account. |
8 |
Money |
None |
NB, M |
CreditAmt |
Amount to credit to the account. |
8 |
Money |
None |
NB, M |
PayHistoryID |
Code that identifies a payment in the PayHistoryDetails file. |
4 |
Integer |
None |
NB |
Invoiceable |
Flag that indicates whether the ledger item represents a transaction that you can invoice. 1 = Yes 0 = No |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB |
Invoice |
Code that identifies the invoice the transaction appears on. You must have already created this code in Latitude. |
4 |
Integer |
None |
NB |
Code that Latitude assigned to identify the outside collection agency or attorney that created the ledger entry. |
4 |
Integer |
None |
NB, M |
AIMUniqueID |
Code that identifies the transaction in the outside collection agency's or attorney's system. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
AIMInvoiceID |
Code that identifies the invoice in the outside collection agency's or attorney's system. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Flag that indicates whether the person approved the ledger transaction. 1 = Yes 0 = No |
1 |
Bit |
None |
M |
InsertBalancingTransactionsOnDeclines |
Not used. |
None |
M |
ApprovedOn |
Date the person approved the ledger transaction. |
8 |
DateTime |
None |
NB, M |
ApprovedAmount |
Ledger amount that Legal and Accounting approved. |
8 |
Money |
None |
NB, M |
ApprovedBy |
Person who approved the ledger transaction. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
AccountingLedgerID |
Code that identifies the ledger transaction in the outside collection agency's or attorney's system. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |