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Credit Card Vendor Information Permission

Use the Credit Card Vendor Information permission to specify the vendor for credit card processing using Payment Vendor Gateway. 


In the Latitude Permissions and Policies Editor window, expand the Payment Processing folder and then click Credit Card Vendor Information.


This permission is available for the following scopes:

  • System

  • Business Class

  • Customer Group

  • Customer


This policy allows your organization to specify tokenization for vendor credit card processing using Payment Vendor Gateway. Enable the permission for a scope and then specify the settings.

  • Vendor Info Parameter 1 and Vendor Info Parameter 2: Codes the vendor provided for your account and codes to apply to all credit card transactions for the selected level, unless you set up surcharges separately. 

  • Send the surcharge as a separate transaction?: If selected, the system sends surcharges as separate transactions. Specify the vendor surcharge parameters. 

  • Vendor Surcharge Info Parameter 1 and Vendor Surcharge Info Parameter 2: Codes the vendor provided for your account and codes to apply to all credit card surcharges for the selected level. 

Note: To charge a surcharge to a separate trust account, select the Send the surcharge as a separate transaction? check box and configure the following:

  • Vendor Info Parameter 1 = securityToken=<principalValue>|securityTokenSurcharge=<surchargePINValue>|mode=principal

  • Vendor Info Parameter 2 = pin=<principalPINValue>|pinSurcharge=<surchargePINValue>

  • Vendor Surcharge Info Parameter 1 = securityToken=<surchargeValue>|mode=surcharge

  • Vendor Surcharge Info Parameter 2 = pin=<surchargePINValue>

Replace the text within the less than and greater than signs (<>) with the appropriate values.