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Latitude Help
Generate a Status Report
Use the Status Report to provide your customer with the status assigned to each account your customer placed for collection.
To generate a Status Report
In the Main Menu window, from the Reports menu, click Customer Reports and then click Status. The Status Report dialog box appears.
Select Accounts from
A Single Customer: If selected, generates the report for a single customer.
A Customer Group: If selected, generates the report for a customer group.
Select Placement Date(s)
All dates of placement: If selected, generates the report for all accounts, regardless of when you added the accounts to Latitude.
Accounts placed on: If selected, generates the report for accounts that you added to Latitude on the specified date only.
Accounts placed since: If selected, generates the report for accounts that you added to Latitude on or after the specified date only.
Accounts placed between: If selected, generates the report for accounts that you added to Latitude on or after the start date, and before or on the end date.
Select Statuses
Active Statuses: If selected, generates the report for accounts with an active status.
Closed (but not returned): If selected, generates the report for accounts with a closed (but not returned) status.
Returned: If selected, generates the report for accounts with a returned status.
Separate reports for each Customer in Group (Printer only): If selected, generates a separate report for each customer in the customer group. This option allows you to print the report but not export it.
Combine Customers in one report: If selected, generates a single report for all customers in the specified customer group.
Use this Customer's name and address on the report (optional): Customer whose name and address you want to appear on the report.
Order by
Name, Latitude Account ID, Customer Account number, or Original Balance: Report column by which to sort the report.
Descending order: If selected, sorts the report in descending order by the specified column.
Portrait or Landscape: Report orientation.
To create the report for a single customer, do the following:
Click A Single Customer and then click Select. The Customer Groups window appears.
Do one of the following:
To select a customer from the entire list of customers, in the Navigation pane, click All customers and then, in the Information pane, double-click the customer.
To select a customer from a customer group, in the Navigation pane, expand a customer group and then double-click the customer.
To search for a customer, in the Search box, type the customer name and then click Search. The system selects the matching customers in the Information pane. Double-click the customer.
The system populates the Status Report dialog box with the selected customer. The options in the Options section are not available.
To create the report for a customer group, do the following:
Click A Customer Group and then click Select. The Customer Groups window appears.
In the Navigation pane, double-click the customer group.
The system populates the Status Report dialog box with the selected customer group. The options in the Options section are available.
Specify the remaining parameters for the report.
To print the report without viewing it first, do the following:
Click Print Report. The Print dialog box appears.
Modify the settings as necessary and then click Print.
Note: If you're printing to a virtual printer such as an XPS or PDF writer and you click Cancel in the Save the file as dialog box, you could get an operating system error. Latitude is unable to correct this operating system error.
To view the report before printing or exporting it, click View Report. The Status Report - Latitude Report Viewer window appears.
Note: If you chose to generate a separate report for each customer in the customer group, you cannot view it before printing, or export it.