
  • Contents

Modify a SQL Statement

Use the SQL Author window to modify a custom SQL statement.

To modify a SQL statement

  1. In the Main Menu window, from the Tools menu, click SQL Author. The SQL Author window appears.

SQL Author window

  1. In the toolbar, click Open. The Open Query Dialog box appears.

Open Query Dialog box

  1. In the Name column, click the query and then click Open. The query appears in the SQL Author window.

  2. Modify the query as necessary.

  3. To save the query, do the following:

    1. In the toolbar, click Save. The Save Query Dialog box appears.

Save Query Dialog box

    1. In the Name column, click the query name and then click Save.

Tip: To create a query from the existing query, in the Query Name box, type a name for the query and then click Save. The system creates a query and leaves the original query unchanged.

You can run the saved query using another query tool or copy and paste the SQL statement into another program.

  1. To copy the SQL statement so you can paste it into another program, do the following:

    1. In the SQL statement panel, use your mouse to select all the content in the pane.

    2. Right-click on the selected content and click Copy. The system copies the statement to the Clipboard. You can now paste it into another program.