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Portfolio Manager Help
Create an Invoice
Use the Create Invoice tab on the Invoices window to create an invoice. The Invoices tool requires an Excel template to create an invoice. For more information, see Configure General System Options.
To create an invoice
In the menu bar, click Tools > Invoices.
In the toolbar, click Create.
To change the invoice date, in the Invoice Date list box, click a date.
Do one of the following:
To include on the invoice all activity that you haven't invoiced, click All Uninvoiced Activity.
To include on the invoice activity for a specific date range only, click Activity Between and then specify the date range.
On the Groups tab, select the groups or individuals within a group to include on the invoice.
Click the Portfolios tab.
Do one of the following:
To include on the invoice all portfolios, click All.
To include on the invoice a specific portfolio only, click Single Portfolio and then, in the list box, click the portfolio.
To include on the invoice multiple portfolios, click Multiple Portfolios and then select the portfolios.
Click the Ledger Types tab.
Select the ledger types to include on the invoice.
To view the invoice, click Preview. A tab appears for each entity you selected that has ledger items that meet the specified criteria. A summary appears beneath the data grid on each tab.
To modify the view, see Data Grids.
To generate the invoice, click OK.
To print the invoice, do the following:
Click Print.
In the Print dialog box, specify the printer settings or accept the default.
Click Print.
To export the invoice to an Excel file, do the following:
Click Export.
In the Save As dialog box, type a name for the file or accept the default.
Click Save.