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Portfolio Manager Help
Maintain a Sold Portfolio
Use the General tab to add or modify information for a sold portfolio. After you specify information on the General tab, you define the contract terms and select accounts to export for the portfolio. Generally, these accounts are ones you purchased previously. Once you sell a portfolio, the system credits all ledger items back to the purchased portfolio. The system recalls accounts forwarded in AIM when you include them in a sold portfolio. Ensure that you have a Buyer record defined before creating a sold portfolio.
To maintain a sold portfolio
In the Navigation Explorer pane, click Sales.
Double-click a sale name. The information appears in the Information pane.
Click the General tab.
Portfolio ID: Unique code that the system assigns to identify the portfolio.
Portfolio Code: Name of the portfolio.
Description: Description of the sale (for example, type of debt sold, original creditor).
Culture: Portfolio currency type.
Contract Date: Date on the sales contract.
Sale Rate: Percentage of the total debt for all accounts included in the portfolio.
Buyer Group: Buyer group associated to the sale.
Calculated Properties
Sold Face Value: Face value of the portfolio, based on the sales rate.
Sale Amount: Amount the purchaser paid for all accounts in the portfolio.
Number of Accounts: Number of accounts in the portfolio.
Calculate Values: Calculator to assist you in determining the purchase rate and other calculated values.
Complete the information and then, in the toolbar, click Save [Record Name].