
  • Contents

Add a Credit Card

Use the Credit Card tab in the Add Payment Instrument dialog box to add a credit card. You must have the Add Payment Instruments permission.

To add a credit card

  1. With an account displayed in the Work Form, from the menu bar, click Promise. The Arrangements panel appears.

Arrangements panel

  1. Click Maintain Wallet. The Wallet Maintenance dialog box appears.

Wallet Maintenance dialog box

  1. In the menu bar, click Add and then, in the Add Payment Instrument dialog box, click the Credit Card tab.

Add Payment Instrument dialog box - Credit Card tab

Acct: Credit card number.

Name: Debtor's name, exactly as it appears on the credit card.

Exp. Date: Date the credit card expires.

Add Wallet?: If selected, adds the credit card to the wallet so that it's available during current and future Latitude sessions. If cleared, the credit card is available for selection during the current Latitude session only. The credit card is not available the next time that you log on to Latitude.


  • If you try to add an expired credit card to a wallet. The system displays a message indicating that the credit card is expired and cannot add to a wallet.

  • If you try to add a duplicate credit card. A confirmation dialog box appears, click Yes to add.

Credit Card Type: Type of credit card (for example, Visa, MasterCard). The system populates this box after you provide the account number.

Security Code: Three-digit security code on the back of the credit card.

Address: House number and street associated to the card.

City/State-Province: City and state or province associated to the card.

Country/Postal Code: Country and postal code associated to the card.

  1. Complete the information and then click OK.

Related Topics

Payment Instruments

Arrangements Panel

Payment Arrangements