
  • Contents

Condition Builder

Use Condition Builder to maintain the list of conditions users can select when creating queries using a query tool. You must have the Configure Query Designer Conditions permission.

Configure Conditions window

  1. Toolbar: Provides options for configuring conditions.



Add Table option

Opens the Add Table Wizard to allow you to map a Latitude database table or view to conditions.

Load Assembly option

Adds a .dll assembly file containing conditions that Latitude by Genesys created for your organization.

Save option

Saves the condition configuration.

Script option

Allows you to create a SQL file that contains the specified conditions.

Create Folder option

Allows you to create a folder in the Condition Selection pane.

Move to Top option

Allows you to move a folder or condition.

Delete option

Allows you to delete a folder or condition.

Test option

Allows you to test a condition to ensure it's configured properly.

  1. Condition Selection pane: Provides a list of conditions that are available to users when they create queries. You can add, modify, and configure the conditions.

  2. Condition Types pane: Allows you to add a condition type to the Data Selection pane.

  3. Properties pane: Allows you to view and modify the configuration settings for the condition selected in the Data Selection pane.

Related Topics

Add a Database Table

Load an Assembly File

Create a SQL File

Create a Folder

Move a Folder or Condition

Delete a Folder or Condition

Test a Condition

Condition Types

Condition Properties


Query Tools