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Import Excel

Use Import Excel to import data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet into a Latitude database. All data that is available in Latitude resides in a Microsoft SQL Server database.


Following is a list of requirements for using Import Excel.

  • You have Microsoft Excel installed on workstations that are running Import Excel.

  • Worksheets within a spreadsheet cannot contain spaces in their names.

  • The first row of a worksheet contains the column names and each column name is unique.

  • Data in the spreadsheet is contiguous, meaning that all rows (following the first row) must contain the data to import, without totals or subtotals. We recommend that you place the word “LAST” in the first column of the last row to signal the program to stop reading in data.

  • We recommend that you format numeric data as text to prevent a truncation issue where Microsoft Excel drops numbers over 15 digits in length.

  • Names are in comma-delimited form (Smith, John). Import Excel doesn't read dashes or other formatting properly.

  • The system separates dates by a space, comma, dash, or slash. 

  • Cells of numeric data aren't blank.

Related Topics

Specify the Import Settings

Map the Import Worksheet

Manage Latitude