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Maintain Debtor Assets

Use the Assets tab in the Debtor Details dialog box to maintain a debtor's assets.

To maintain a debtor's assets

  1. With an account displayed in the Work Form, in the Debtor section, click More Info. The Debtor Details dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Assets tab.

Debtor Details dialog box - Assets tab

Asset Name or Title: Name or description of the asset.

Asset Type: Type of asset.

Asset Value: Current monetary value assigned to the asset.

Value Verified: If selected, you verified the asset value.

Lien Amount: Amount held against the property.

Lien Verified: If selected, you verified the lien amount.

Created: Date you added the asset.

Last Modified: Date and time you last modified the asset.

By: User who last modified the asset record.

Description: More information regarding the asset.

  1. To modify an asset, change the information and then click OK.

  2. To add an asset, click the New tab, complete the information, and then click OK.

  3. To delete an asset, click Delete and then in the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

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Debtor Details