
  • Contents

Modify a Debtor's or Co-debtor's Name

Use the Name Change dialog box to modify a debtor's or co-debtor's name.  

To modify a Debtor's or Co-debtor's name

  1. With an account displayed in the Work Form, in the Debtor section, click the tab for the debtor or co-debtor to modify.

  2. Click in the Name box. The Name Change dialog box appears.

Name Change dialog box

  1. If the debtor or co-debtor is a business, do the following:

    1. In the Business Name box, type the name of the business.

    2. Select the Is Business check box.

  2. Modify the remaining information as necessary and then click OK.

  3. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes. The system adds a note to the Work Form indicating that the name changed. 

Related Topics

Debtor Details

Debtor and Co-debtor Information