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Request a Letter
Use the Available Letters tab in the Account Letters window to request a letter to send to one or more parties associated to the account. The system restricts the available letters to those letters allowed for the account, customer, and your user role. If your agency sets up a letter series queue for sending letters for new business, you can view the scheduled letter requests in the series.
Before requesting a letter, familiarize yourself with the letters available in Letter Console and the usage of merge fields.
To request a letter
With an account displayed in the Work Form, from the menu bar, click Letters. The Account Letters window appears.
On the Available Letters tab, do one of the following:
Double-click the letter.
Click the letter and then click New...
The Add Letter Request dialog box appears. The information displayed varies, depending on the type of letter you are requesting and the type of recipient. The following example is for a multipart SIF letter for the debtor.
Sender: Person sending the letter. This box appears for all letter types.
Subject Debtor: Name of debtor the letter is regarding. This box appears for accounts having more than one debtor.
Send Date: Date to send the letter. This box appears for all letter types.
Payments: Number of payments to show in the letter. This number determines how many Amount and Due boxes appear. This box appears for a multipart SIF letter.
Amount #1: First amount due. This box appears for payoff, settlement, payment reminder, and NITD letters.
Due: Date first amount is due. This box appears for payoff, settlement, payment reminder, and NITD letters.
If more than one debtor displays, click the debtor to receive the letter.
Modify the remaining information as necessary and then click Add. The system adds the letter request to the Pending Letters section. An "M" appears on the Letter Type icon to indicate that you requested the letter manually.
The system schedules the letter for creation in Letter Console on the specified send date. Optionally, you can choose to email or print the letter.
Note: Latitude calculates the validation period as 30 days, excluding weekends and holidays from the date the validation notice was sent or provided. If the validation notice is sent via letter Latitude, add 5 days to the validation period, excluding weekends and holidays.