
  • Contents

Standard Queue Levels

Latitude releases with several queue level codes. Most queue levels represent events or conditions that trigger a queue level change. The queue levels flagged with an asterisk (*) in the following table represent repositories for accounts that require special attention.

Note: The names associated to the queue levels may differ, depending on how you or Latitude by Genesys configured your system. The remaining information applies regardless of the queue level name.

Queue Level



Queues for Work?




Latitude assigns this queue level when a user creates a reminder or follow-up on an account.

Note: If an account has a reminder set, the reminder appears for the desk at the designated date and time.

If an account has a follow-up set, the account appears in the Work Form on the designated day when a user attempts to move to the next account in a work queue.


For a follow-up, when a user works the account, Latitude reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

For a reminder, when a user dismisses the reminder, Latitude reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

Note: If a user doesn't dismiss a reminder, accounts can remain at this queue level indefinitely. To avoid or correct this issue, do one of the following:

  • At the desk level, set the maximum number of days ahead that a user can set a reminder. After the number of days pass and a user hasn't dismissed the reminder, Custodian reassigns the account to the previous queue level.

  • Use a Custodian task to identify accounts assigned to queue level 000 for more than a specific number of days. Set the task to force dismissal of the reminders and reassign the accounts to the previous queue level.

  • Use the Account Analysis tool to identify accounts assigned to queue level 000. When users work these accounts, Latitude or Custodian reassigns the accounts to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Broken Promise

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account has a promise arrangement due on the current day but no payment posted to the account. Custodian places future payments on hold.

Note: If a grace period exists for the account, Custodian delays assigning this queue level and placing payments on hold until the grace period expires without a payment posting on the account.


After a user receives a payment or negotiates a new payment arrangement, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition. Custodian also removes the hold on future payments.


No More Postdated Checks

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account completes a post-dated payment arrangement successfully but a balance remains on the account.


After a user negotiates a new payment arrangement or otherwise works the account, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Bounced Checks

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account has a payment reversal because the check bounced and there are no future payments in the arrangement.


After a user receives payment or negotiates a new payment arrangement, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


No More Promises

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account completes a promise payment arrangement successfully but a balance remains on the account.


After a user negotiates a new payment arrangement, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Incomplete Link Arrangement

Custodian assigns this queue level to the link driver account when an account in the link group isn't included in a linked arrangement.


Custodian reassigns the link driver account to the queue level that applies based on the account activity or condition.

For example, if a user renegotiates the linked arrangement and includes all accounts in the link group, Custodian reassigns the link driver account based on account activity or condition.

Another example is if the arrangement fails because of a PDC bounce, PCC decline, or promise break, Custodian assigns the corresponding queue level.


New Accounts

Custodian assigns this queue level when you import a new account into Latitude that is either not a linked account or is the link driver.

If the new account is not the link driver, Custodian assigns the account to queue level 875.


If a user accesses but doesn't work the account, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 016.

If a user accesses and works the account, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 599.


NewBiz Followup

Custodian assigns this queue level when a user accesses but doesn't work a new account that is either not a linked account or is the link driver.


After a user works the account the same day or the set number of days allowed, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on the account activity or condition.

Note: If your organization configured the desk to allow users to work a new account for a specific number of days, the account remains at this queue level until that time passes.


PDC over $500

Latitude assigns this queue level when an account has a post-dated check or ACH payment arrangement with payments that are $500 or more each.


After a user contacts the customer regarding the upcoming deduction of funds, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on the account activity or condition.


NSF Still Has PDCs on File

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account has a payment reversal because the check bounced and there are future payments in the payment arrangement.

Custodian places the future payments on hold.


After a user receives a payment or renegotiates the payment arrangement, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition. Custodian also removes the hold on future payments.


Accounts 0 - 30 Days Old

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account has been in Latitude less than 31 days since the date received.


If a user works the account before 30 days pass, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

If 30 days pass and a user hasn't worked the account, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 030.


Accounts W Payment

No longer in use.




Accounts 30 – 60 Days Old

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account has been in Latitude between 30 and 60 days since the date received.


If a user works the account before 60 days pass, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

If 60 days pass and a user hasn't worked the account, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 060.


Accounts 60 – 90 Days Old

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account has been in Latitude between 60 and 90 days since the date received.


If a user works the account before 90 days pass, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

If 90 days pass and a user hasn't worked the account, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 090.


Accounts 90 – 120 Days Old

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account has been in Latitude between 90 and 120 days since the date received.


If a user works the account before 120 days pass, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

If 120 days pass and a user hasn't worked the account, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 120.


Account Reassigned

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account that is not new business moves from one desk to another.


After a user works the account, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Over 120 Days Old

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account has been in Latitude for more than 120 days since the date received.


After a user works the account, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Returned With Credit Report

Latitude assigns this queue level when a user receives a requested credit report and adds it to an account.


After a user updates the account to reflect the information in the credit report, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Late Night Queue EST

Users assign this queue level initially when an account requires after-hours follow-up. Custodian assigns this queue level when an account reaches queue level 403 without a user working it.


If a user works the account on the current day, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

If a user doesn't work the account on the current day, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 401.


Late Night Queue CST

Custodian assigns this queue level when a user didn't work an account while it was at queue level 400.


If a user works the account on the current day, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

If a user doesn't work the account on the current day, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 402.


Late Night Queue MST

Custodian assigns this queue level when a user didn't work an account while it was at queue level 401.


If a user works the account on the current day, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

If a user doesn't work the account on the current day, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 403.


Late Night Queue PST

Custodian assigns this queue level when a user didn't work an account while it was at queue level 402.


If a user works the account on the current day, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

If a user doesn't work the account on the current day, Custodian assigns the account to queue level 400.


Custom Queue Levels

Users can assign accounts to Custom queues.

Custom queues are work queues that your organization can create to hold accounts that require special follow-up work (for example, skip tracing; probate activity, bankruptcy). For more information, see Queue Levels.


After a user removes an account from a Custom queue, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Account Worked

Latitude assigns this queue level when a user works an account on the current day.


Accounts remain at this queue level until the end of the day to ensure compliance with Federal and State collection laws. Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Clerical Queue

Users and Latitude can assign accounts to Clerical queues. For example, when a user requests a letter for an account and the user doesn't have permissions to print letters, Latitude assigns the account to a Clerical queue.

Clerical queues are work queues that your organization can create to hold accounts that require clerical support (for example, direct payment verification with a customer). For more information, see Queue Levels.


After a user removes an account from a Clerical queue, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Supervisor Queue

Users and Latitude can assign accounts to Supervisor queues. For example, when a user creates a payment arrangement on an account but doesn't have permissions to approve payment arrangements, Latitude assigns the account to a Supervisor queue.

Supervisor queues are work queues that organization can create to hold accounts that require supervisor action (for example, payment arrangement approval). For more information, see Queue Levels.


After a user removes an account from a Supervisor queue, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Account on Hold

Latitude assigns this queue level when an account has a customer-level or account-level hold.


After a user or Latitude removes the hold on the account, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Future Promise - PPA

Latitude assigns this queue level when an account has a new promise payment arrangement.


When Custodian identifies a broken or complete payment arrangement, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Post-dated Checks Under $500

Latitude assigns this queue level when an account has a post-dated check or ACH payment arrangement with payments that are less than $500 each.


When Custodian identifies a broken or complete payment arrangement, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Post-dated Credit Card

Latitude assigns this queue level when an account has a post-dated credit card payment arrangement with payments that are less than $500 each.


When Custodian identifies a broken or complete payment arrangement, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.


Linked Account

Custodian assigns this queue level when an account is a linked account but isn't the link driver account. Users work these accounts when the link driver account queues for work.


If Custodian identifies the account as closed, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 998. If Custodian identifies the account as closed and returned, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 999.


Closed Account

Latitude assigns this queue level when an account has a closed status.


If Custodian identifies the account as closed and returned, Custodian reassigns the account to queue level 999.


Closed Account Returned

Latitude assigns this queue level when an account has a closed and returned status.


If a user reopens the account, Custodian reassigns the account to the queue level that applies based on account activity or condition.

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Queue Level Codes