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Tweak a Payment Arrangement

Use the Tweak an Arrangement wizard to move the payment date out a few days or adjust the payment amount for a payment in a payment arrangement.

To tweak a payment arrangement

  1. With an account displayed in the Work Form, from the menu bar, click Promise. The Arrangements panel appears.

Arrangements panel

  1. Click Tweak Payment. The Tweak an Arrangement wizard appears.

Tweak an Arrangement wizard

  1. To modify the payment date, do the following:

    1. In the Payment Property to Tweak list box, click Date and then click Next. The Tweak Payment Date page appears.

Tweak Payment Date page - Tweak an Arrangement wizard

    1. Click in the Change payment date to list box, click the date in the calendar, and then click Next. The Review Payment Arrangement page appears.

Review Payment Arrangement page - Tweak an Arrangement wizard

    1. Select the I understand the consequences check box and then click Finish.

  1. To modify the payment amount, do the following:

    1. In the Payment Property to Tweak list box, click Amount. The Tweak Payment Amount page appears.

Tweak Payment Amount page - Tweak an Arrangement wizard

    1. In the Change payment amount to box, type the new payment amount. The Review Payment Arrangement page appears.

Review Payment Arrangement page - Tweak an Arrangement wizard

    1. Select the I understand the consequences check box and then click Finish. Latitude adjusts the last payment amount up or down, depending on whether you increased or decreased a payment.

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Payment Arrangements

Arrangements Panel

Payment Arrangements Wizard