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Credit Report Requests Settings Permission

Use the Credit Report Requests Settings permission to configure general settings for credit report requests.


In the Navigation pane, click Applications > Service Request Gateway > Credit Report Requests > Credit Report Requests Settings.


This permission is available for the System scope only.


The policy allows your organization to specify general settings for credit report requests. Enable the permission for a scope and then specify the settings.

"One Off" time out period in seconds before user is prompted to wait or continue working: Number of seconds to wait after requesting a report before prompting the user to continue waiting or continue working.

Minimum number of days that must pass before next credit report request on an account: Minimum number of days after requesting a credit report for the user to wait before requesting another report.

Apply "minimum number of days" policy only to credit reports from same vendor: If selected, the "minimum number of days" policy applies to credit reports from the same vendor only.

Minimum balance on account to request credit report: Minimum account balance required for the user to request a credit report.

Maximum number of credit report requests per account: Maximum number of credit report requests allowed for each account.

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Credit Report Requests Permissions and Policies

Service Request Gateway Settings

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