
  • Contents

View Payment Batch History

Use the Batch Processor page to view processing information for payment batches. You must have the Access Batch Wizard Permission to view payment batch history.

To view payment batch history

  1. Open the Latitude by Genesys page.

Welcome page

  1. In the menu bar, click Batch Processor.

PVG Batch Processor page - select batch type

  1. Click the "view the history" link.

Payment batch history

Payment Batch Run ID: Code that Latitude assigns to identify a batch of payments.

Started: Date and time Latitude started processing the batch of payments.

Completed: Date and time Latitude completed processing the batch of payments.

User: Code that identifies the user who processed the batch of payments.

Total Count: Total number of payments in the batch.

Success Count: Number of payments that processed successfully.

Failed Count: Number of payments that failed to process.

  1. To view details for a payment batch, click the batch.

Payment batch history details

Result: Outcome of processing the payment batch.

UID: Code that Latitude assigned to identify a payment.

Deposit Date: Date the payment deposited to the account.

Amount: Payment amount, excluding the surcharge.

Surcharge: Surcharge amount.

Total: Sum of the payment amount and surcharge.

Client: Unique code that identifies the client on the account.

Desk: Desk that processed the payment.

File Number: Unique code that the system assigned to identify the account.

Account: Code that the client assigned to identify the account.

Customer ID: Code that identifies a party on the account.

ACH/CC#: Last four digits of the credit card, checking, or savings account number.

Vendor Reference Number: Code that the payment vendor assigned to identify the transaction.

Authorization Code: Code that indicates whether the transaction is authorized or declined.

Message: Note regarding the transaction.

  1. To display batch details for a specific client, click in the All Clients list box and then click the client ID. To remove the filter, backspace over the ID.

  2. To return to the payment history list, click Back.

  3. On the Batch Processor page, click the X to close the tab.

Related Topics

Access Batch Wizard Permission

