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View Applied and Planned Payments

Use the Agent/Collector Information page to view processed payments and planned payments (post-dated checks, credit cards, and promises) for a specific date range. You must have the View Other User Payments Permission to view payments for other users.

To view applied and planned payments

  1. In the Application toolbar, click Agent/Collector Info.

Agent/Collector Information dialog box

Users: Users for which to display payments. The following rules apply:

    • If you have permission to view payments for other users, the list box includes all users.

    • If you don't have permission to view payments for other users and you are:

      • A team lead, the list box includes users on your team only.

      • Not a team lead, the list box includes your user ID only.

Include Desk: If selected, includes payments that the selected user's desk received outside Latitude, such as by mail or Western Union.

From: Beginning date for which to display payments.

To: Ending date for which to display payments.

  1. Specify the criteria for which payments to display and then click Apply.

  2. To view payments applied to accounts, click the Payments Applied tab.

Agent/Collector Information dialog box - Payments Applied tab

File Number: Unique code that the system assigned to identify the account.

Name: Name of the customer on the account.

Type: Code that identifies the type of payment applied. For more information, see Payment Type Codes.

Collections: Payment amount.

Fee: Collection fee.

Date: Payment date.

Customer: Code that identifies the client associated to the account.

Comment: Note regarding the payment.

  1. To view scheduled payments, click the Payments Planned tab.

Agent/Collector Information dialog box - Payments Planned tab

Type: Payment method to use to process the payment (for example, credit card, ACH, paper draft, or promise).

File Number: Unique code that the system assigned to identify the account.

Name: Name of the customer on the account.

On Hold: If selected, the payment is on hold and the system doesn't process it when the due date arrives.

Customer: Code that identifies the client associated to the account.

Due Date: Date the payment is due.

Amount: Payment amount due, excluding the surcharge.

  1. When finished, click Close.

Related Topics

Payment Type Codes

