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View Account Communications
Use the Communication panel to view communication activities associated to the account.
To view account communications
In the Reference Panel navigation bar, click Available Panels and then click Communication.
Filter by:
Type: If selected, only displays communications that match the specified communication type.
Party: If selected, only displays communications for the specified party.
Clear Filters: Clears the specified filters and displays all communications.
Date: Date and time the communication occurred. To change the sort order, click the arrow in the Date column heading.
User: ID and name of the user associated to the communication.
Type: Type of communication.
Party: Name of the party who received the communication from or sent the communication to your organization.
Description: Description of the communication.
To filter communications, do the following:
To display communications for a specific communication type, in the Type box in the Communication panel toolbar, click the communication type. Only communications that match the specified type appear in the panel.
To display communications for a specific party, in the Party box in the Communication panel toolbar, click the party. Only communications for the specified party appear in the panel.
Tip: To clear the filter and display all communications, click Clear Filters.