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View AIM Work Efforts

Use the Work Efforts tab in the AIM panel to view work effort information pulled from the AIM program for the account.

To view AIM work efforts

  1. In the Reference Panel navigation bar, click Available Panels and then click AIM. The AIM panel appears.

  2. In the AIM panel, click the Work Efforts tab. The Work Efforts tab appears.

AIM panel - Work Efforts tab

Agency Name: Outside collection agency or attorney that holds the account.

Action Date: Date the work effort occurred.

Category: Type of work effort.

Code: Code that identifies the work effort.

Description: Description of the work effort.

Debtor Name: Name of the Debtor who sent or received the Communication

Communication Method: Phone Number or Email Address used in the Communication

Communication Type: Phone Type or Email Type or Letter Type used in the Communication

Template Description: Description of the Phone Template or Email Template or Letter Template used in the Communication

Result Code: Code that identifies the result of the action recorded in the work effort

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