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View Contact Analysis Information
Use the Contact Analysis panel to verify the number of times each day that your organization attempted to contact the customer regarding the account. You can use this information to determine what time to set up a reminder.
The system displays the following information:
Morning, afternoon, evening, and weekend contacts by both a user and a dialer.
Scoring information that the system imported (custom interfaces only.)
Number of days that your organization has held the account.
Percentage of the balance currently recovered.
Total amount collected, with the average amount collected each time your organization contacted the customer or worked the account.
To view contact analysis information
In the Account Detail toolbar, click Contact Analysis.
User (non-Dialer) Worked (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Weekend): Number of times users worked the account during the specified time of day.
User (non-Dialer) Contacted (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Weekend): Number of times users contacted someone regarding the account during the specified time of day.
Dialer Worked (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Weekend): Number of times that the dialer worked the account during the specified time of day.
Dialer Contacted (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Weekend): Number of times that the dialer contacted someone regarding the account during the specified time of day.
Time: Hour of day the user worked the account or contacted someone regarding the account.
Worked: Number of times the user worked the account at the specified time of day.
Contacted: Number of times the user contacted someone regarding the account at the specified time of day.
Score: Indicates how collectable the account is. This information comes from a file that your organization receives from an outside vendor.
Age: Number of days your organization has held the account.
Recovered %: Percent of the account balances that your organization received in payments.
Amount Collected: Total amount collected on the accounts.
Per Work: Total amount collected for worked accounts.
Per Contact: Total amount collected for contacted accounts.