
  • Contents

System Events

WorkFlow designer comes with pre-defined events called "system events." You can modify the settings for system events or associate a workflow to them. However, you cannot create conditions for the events. Accounts qualify for system events through triggers in the Latitude database when specific activities occur on an account.

Note: To stop all workflows when a system event occurs, don't attach a workflow to, or delete a workflow from the event, and choose Stop all other work flows in the event configuration.

The WorkFlow Engine processes the following occurrences as system events. This list includes the occurrences in Latitude that trigger a system event.

System Event

Latitude Trigger

Account Charged-Off

None. ARM Division Professional Services Organization can trigger this event when creating bridges.

Account Closed

Account queue level changes to 998.

Account Linked

User links one account to another account.

Account Reactivated from Charge-off

None. ARM Division Professional Services Organization can trigger this event when creating bridges.

Account Returned

Account queue level changes to 999.

Address Confirmed

User flags an address as confirmed.

Address Updated

User updates an account address.

AIM Final Recall

User or system issues a final recall for an AIM account.

AIM Placement

User places an account with an outside collection agency or attorney.

Arrangement Failed

Customer didn't pay on the payment due date.


User adds or updates a bankruptcy record that has a filed or discharged status and a valid bankruptcy chapter number.

Care Closed

User changes the status of a care record to "closed."

Care Confirmed

User flags a care record as confirmed.

Care Created

Use adds a care record to an account.

Care Unconfirmed

User has not flagged a care record as confirmed, or has removed the flag.

Care Updated

User updates a care record.

Collateral Auction Appraisal Added

User or Job Manager adds an auction appraisal.

Collateral Auction Appraisal Updated

User or Job Manager updates an auction appraisal.

Collateral Auction Bid Added

User or Job Manager adds an auction bid.

Collateral Auction Bid Updated

User or Job Manager updates an auction bid.

Collateral Auction Repair Bid Added

User or Job Manager adds an auction repair bid.

Collateral Auction Repair Bid Updated

User or Job Manager updates an auction repair bid.

Collateral Auction Updated

User or Job Manager updates auction information.

Collateral Lease Updated

User or Job Manager updates lease information.

Collateral Real Estate Updated

User or Job Manager updates real estate information.

Collateral Repossession Updated

User or Job Manager updates repossession information.

Collateral Updated

User or Job Manager updates collateral information.

Complaint Closed

User changes the status of a complaint record to "closed."

Complaint Created

User adds a complaint record.

Complaint Deleted

User deletes a complaint record.

Complaint Reopened

User changes the status of a complaint record to "reopened."

Complaint Updated

User updates a complaint record.

Correspondence Address Selected

User flags an address as a correspondence address.

Custom Complaint Owner Updated

User updates the owner of a complaint.

Debt Management Cleared or Deleted

User cleared or deleted a debt management record.

Debt Management Created

User creates a debt management record.

Debt Management Updated

User updates a debt management record.


Deceased record contains a valid date of death.

Deceased Date Filed Updated/Entered

User adds or changes the date the client filed a claim against the deceased customer's estate.

Desk Changed

User changes the assigned desk.

Direct Debit Arrangement Entered

User adds a Direct Debit payment arrangement.

Dispute Closed

User changes the status of a dispute record to "closed."

Dispute Created

User adds a dispute record.

Dispute Deleted

User deletes a dispute record.

Dispute Updated

User updates a dispute record.

Documentation Attached

User attaches a document to an account.

DPA Screen Completed

User completes the DPA Validation dialog box and indicates that the caller's information is valid.

First Contacted

Total contacts on the account change from 0 to 1.

I&E Created

User adds an Income and Expenditure record.

New Address Created

User adds an address to an account.

New Business

User or the system adds an account to the database.

Payment Received

Pay history record with a PU, PC, or PA payment type added.

Payment Reversed

Pay history record with a PUR, PCR, or PAR payment type added.

Post-Date Check Entered

Post-dated check added.

Post-Date Credit Card Entered

Post-dated credit card added.

Promise Broken

Master broken promise date changes.

Promise Canceled

Promise record canceled.

Promise Entered

Promise record added.

Promise Off Hold

Promise hold removed.

Promise On Hold

Promise hold placed.

Proof Received

User flags a care case to indicate that your organization received proof of the care issue

RDN Case Added

User or Job Manager adds a case record.

RDN Case Closed

User or Job Manager closes a case record.

RDN Case Closed And Reassigned

User or Job Manager closes and reassigns a case record.

RDN Case Hold Placed

User or Job Manager places a case record on hold.

RDN Case Hold Released

User or Job Manager releases the hold on a case record.

RDN Case Status Changed

User or Job Manager changes the status of a case record.

RDN Case Update Requested

User requests an update on the case records for an account.

RDN Case Updated

User or Job Manager updates a case record.

Status Changed

Account status changed.

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WorkFlow Events