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View Arrangement History
Use the Arrangement History panel to view historical payment arrangement information for the account.
To view arrangement history
In the Reference Panel navigation bar, click Available Panels and then click Arrangement History.
No.: Unique number that the system assigns to identify an arrangement.
Effective Start Date: Date the arrangement starts.
First Pay Date: Date the first payment is due.
Type: Type of arrangement, such as SIF or PIF.
User: User who created the arrangement.
Install: Amount of each payment.
Frequency: How often each payment is due.
Paycount: Number of payments in the arrangement.
Discount: Percent discount offered.
Method: Method to use to process the payment, such as credit card or check.
Paid: Amount paid toward the arrangement to date.
Status: Status of the payment.
Canceled Date: Date the user canceled the arrangement.
Failed Date: Payment decline date.