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CBR Compliance and Enhancements Technical Reference
Latitude 8.3 Upgrade Instructions
Complete the following steps to upgrade your Latitude 8.3 system to include the latest credit bureau reporting requirements and enhancements:
Back up the Target database after the end of cycle and after generating the report.
If possible, restore the backup as a copy.
Run the CBR_DB_UPDATE_83320_TO_1st_Party_Cider.sql upgrade script.
Copy the Latitude.Metro2.dll and CBRUtilityPanel.dll overlay files to the Latitude installation Bin directory (for example, c:\\Program Files X86\.
Run the evaluation and review the results. Use the "re-evaluate" option when running the evaluation after any upgrade.
execute cbrevaluatebulk null,'y','n',1
Review the data.
Run the Credit Bureau Reporting Wizard and review the report.
Latitude 8.3 data clean-up
As part of the evaluation process, the system identifies all reported active accounts that don't have a valid contract-to-pay configuration and generates exceptions for those accounts. If there are exceptions, you can run the following sample query to delete or modify the accounts accordingly.
with xaccts as
(select * from CbrReportExceptionsDtl where CbrException = 'InvalidContractToPay'),
reports as
(select * from CbrAccountHistory(null) where AccountStatus not in ('DA','DF','62','64')),
updateset as
(Select AccountID from reports inner join xaccts on number = AccountID)
update master
set specialnote = 'DA'
where number in (select AccountID from updateset);
The query updates each of these accounts to report a forced "DA" to credit bureaus the next time you run the Credit Bureau Reporting Wizard. If applicable, the query also updates the contract date on the respective master account row.