
  • Contents

Create a Query Condition

Use the Conditions pane in the Select Accounts window to specify the criteria for which data to include in the query results. Queries contain a default condition to include only the accounts that an agency or attorney doesn't hold currently. You cannot delete this condition.

To create a query condition

  1. With the Select Accounts window open, in the Data Selection pane, click the plus sign (+) next to a folder to expand it.

Data Selection pane

  1. Click the data item for which to set a condition and drag and drop it in the Conditions pane. A dialog box appears, which allows you to specify the criteria. The title of the dialog box and the information displayed depend on the condition selected.

The following example shows the Current Balance dialog box that appears when you drag and drop the Current Balance data item into the Conditions pane.

Query condition dialog box

  1. In the dialog box, specify the criteria and then click Okay. The condition appears in the Conditions pane. In the following example, the condition indicates you want to include in the query results accounts with a current balance that is greater than or equal to "$2,000."

Conditions pane - condition set

  1. Drag and drop more data items as necessary.