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Filter Query Results

Use the Results tab in a query tool window to filter query results.

To filter query results

  1. Create a Query or Open an Existing Query.

  2. In the toolbar, click Run. The results appear on the Results tab. The following example shows the Results tab in the Account Analysis window.

Account Analysis window - Results tab

  1. In the column heading of the column to filter, click the Funnel icon Funnel icon. A list of options for the specified column appears.

Query results filter

(All): If selected, the system doesn't filter the results.

(Custom): If selected, allows you to set custom filtering conditions.

(Blanks): If selected, the system limits the results to accounts with a blank or null value in the specified column.

(NonBlanks): If selected, the system limits the results to accounts that don't have a blank or null value in the specified column.

  1. Click any value other than (Custom). The system closes the list and limits the query results to the records that match the specified filter.

  2. To set custom filter criteria, do the steps to Set Custom Filter Criteria.

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Query Results