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Request a Credit Report for an Account

Collectors and skip tracers can request a credit report for a debtor account. Requests are queued and processed in batches.

To request a credit report for an account

  1. Do one of the following:

    • In the Main Menu window, click Work.

    • Press Alt + W.

The Work Form appears.

  1. Display the account in the Work Form using search, account history, or a work queue.

  2. From the Skip menu, click Request Credit Report, and then click the credit bureau. The [Credit Bureau Name] Credit Report dialog box appears. The following example is for the Equifax credit bureau.

Equifax Credit Report dialog box

  1. Select the type of report to request. The available report types vary based on the specified credit bureau.

  2. Correct the information as necessary, omitting spaces and dashes in the ZIP Code and SSN.

Note: Your changes apply to the credit report request only and the system doesn't save them to the Work Form.

  1. Click Accept. The system generates the report request and places it in a queue. SmartALX™ processes the queue when sending the next batch of requests to the specified credit bureau.

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Credit Reports with SmartALX