
  • Contents

Add Address Table

Use the Mapping tab to add the Latitude Address table so that you can map customer addresses and import the addresses into Latitude. You can only import addresses into the Address table for new business. You cannot import addresses to update records.

Note: Your organization must configure Exchange to allow you to add the Address table. For more information, see "Configure Exchange" in the Latitude Installation and Configuration Guide.

To add the Address table

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Clients.

Clients pane

  1. In the Clients pane, expand the appropriate folder and then double-click the client. The tab for the specified client appears in the Information pane.

General tab

  1. Click the Import Files tab and then click the New Business, Financial Transactions, Maintenance, or Final Recall tab, depending on the import file type.

Import Files tab

  1. Click Modify File Mapping. The Data Translator window appears.

Data Translator window

  1. Click the Mapping tab.

Data Translator window - Mapping tab

  1. In the Destination pane, expand the Master node and then expand the Debtors node.

Data Translator window - Mapping tab

  1. Right-click the 0 (zero) node and then click Add Debtor Association Table. The Select Debtor Association Table dialog box appears.

Select Debtor Association Table dialog box

  1. In the Select the Table list box, click Address and then click OK. The Address table appears in the Destination pane.

Data Translator window - Mapping tab

You can now map your source fields to the Address table and then import the addresses for new business. For more information about mapping, see Map Source Fields to Destination Fields. For more information about importing, see Import a New Business File.

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View Source Information

Mapped Field Icons

Import File Mapping