
  • Contents

Configure Code Pre-processing

Use the Code Preprocessing Dialog box to specify the SQL code to run before processing a file. For example, you can specify code that writes information to a temporary file that Exchange Manager can process instead of the original file.

To configure code pre-processing

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Clients.

Clients pane

  1. In the Clients pane, expand the appropriate folder and then double-click the client. The tab for the specified client appears in the Information pane.

General tab

  1. On the General tab in the General Configuration section, click Configure File Pre-processing. The Regex Config dialog box appears.

Regex Config dialog box

  1. Click Configure Code Preprocessing. The Code Preprocessing Dialog box appears.

Code Pre-Processing Dialog box

  1. In the "FILL THIS IN" section of the box, type the SQL code to run before processing the file and then click Compile. For more information, see Sample Pre-processing Code.

  2. If the "Congratulations" message appears, click OK. Otherwise, correct the error.

  3. In the Regex Config dialog box, click OK.

  4. In the toolbar, click Save. The Update Comment dialog box appears.

  5. In the Update Comment box, type a comment regarding your changes and then click OK.

Related Topics

Add a Regex Replacement

Sample Pre-processing Code

General Configuration