- Contents
Exchange Manager Help
Debtors Table
The Debtors table contains customers and other parties associated to accounts. Each account can have multiple customer records. To ensure that Exchange locates the correct customer on the account, you must map the customer field that you specified as unique criteria in the Unique Debtor Criteria section of the General tab. For more information, see Specify Unique Customer Criteria.
Use DEBTORID or NAME to map to the correct customer record. In the Master table, Exchange only populates the Debtor0 (primary customer) record.
Field Name |
Description |
Length |
Data Type |
Parent Table and Field |
Import Types |
Number |
Code that Latitude assigned to identify the account. For new business imports, don't map this field. For maintenance imports, you must map this field to ensure that Exchange Manager locates the correct account. |
4 |
Integer |
Master/Number |
NB, M |
DebtorID |
Code that Latitude assigned to identify the customer. If you selected "Debtor ID" as the unique customer criteria, you must map this field. |
4 |
Integer |
None |
NB, M |
Seq |
Code that indicates whether the customer is the primary or secondary customer on the account. If you selected "Seq" as the unique customer criteria, you must map this field. 0 = Primary customer |
4 |
Integer |
Master/Seq |
NB, M |
IsBusiness |
Flag that indicates whether the customer is a business. 1 = Yes |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB, M |
BusinessName |
Business name. If ISBUSINESS flag = 0, leave this field blank. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
IsParsed |
Flag that indicates whether the name is parsed. 1 = Yes |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB, M |
Name |
Customer name in "lastname, firstname MI suffix" format. If you selected "Name" as the unique customer criteria, you must map this field. |
300 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Prefix |
Optional name prefix (Mr, Ms, Miss, Mrs, Dr, Prof). |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
FirstName |
Customer's first name. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
MiddleName |
Customer's middle name. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
LastName |
Customer's last name. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
OtherName |
Customer's alternate name. |
30 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Suffix |
Optional name suffix (I, II, III, Jr, Sr). |
50 |
VarChar |
Master/other |
NB, M |
Street1 |
Customer's address line 1. |
128 |
VarChar |
Master/Street1 |
NB, M |
Street2 |
Customer's address line 2. |
128 |
VarChar |
Master/Street2 |
NB, M |
City |
Customer's city. |
30 |
VarChar |
Master/City |
NB, M |
State |
Code that identifies the customer's state of residence. |
3 |
VarChar |
Master/State |
NB, M |
ZIPCode |
Customer's ZIP Code. |
10 |
VarChar |
Master/Zipcode |
NB, M |
County |
Customer's county of residence. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Country |
Customer's country of residence. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
MR |
Flag that indicates whether the address is good. Y = Yes, address is good N = No, address is bad or unknown |
1 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Customer's social security number. If you selected "SSN" as the unique customer criteria, you must map this field. |
15 |
VarChar |
Master/SSN |
NB, M |
HomePhone |
Customer's home phone number. |
30 |
VarChar |
Master/Homephone |
NB, M |
WorkPhone |
Customer's work phone number. |
30 |
VarChar |
Master/Workphone |
NB, M |
Pager |
Customer's pager number. |
20 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Fax |
Customer's fax number. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
OtherPhone1 |
Not used. |
20 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
OtherPhoneType |
Not used. |
15 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
OtherPhone2 |
Not used. |
20 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
OtherPhone2Type |
Not used. |
15 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
OtherPhone3 |
Not used. |
20 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
OtherPhone3Type |
Not used. |
15 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Customer's email address. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Gender |
Customer's gender. M = Male |
1 |
Char |
None |
NB, M |
Language |
Customer's native language. |
30 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
DLNum |
Customer's driver license number. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Customer's date of birth. |
8 |
DateTime |
Master/DOB |
NB, M |
JobName |
Customer's employer's name. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
JobAddr1 |
Customer's employer's address line 1. |
128 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
JobAddr2 |
Customer's employer's address line 2. |
128 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
JobCSZ |
Customer's employer's city, state, and ZIP Code. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
JobMemo |
Note about the customer's employment. |
16 |
Text |
None |
NB, M |
Spouse |
Spouse's name. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
SpouseHomePhone |
Spouse's home phone number. |
20 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
SpouseJobName |
Spouse's employer's name. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
SpouseJobAddr1 |
Spouse's employer's address line 1. |
128 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
SpouseJobAddr2 |
Spouse's employer's address line 2. |
128 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
SpouseJobCSZ |
Spouse's employer's city, state, and ZIP Code. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
SpouseWorkPhone |
Spouse's work phone number. |
20 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
SpouseJobMemo |
Note about the spouse's employment. |
16 |
Text |
None |
NB, M |
SpouseResponsible |
Not used. |
1 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Relationship |
Customer's relationship to the account. If you selected "Relationship" as the unique customer criteria, you must map this field. |
30 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
USPSKeyLine |
Unique code that identifies a mail item. |
16 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
IsHomeOwner |
Not used. |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB, M |
CBRException |
Exception that prevents reporting the customer to the credit bureaus. |
2 |
SmallInt |
None |
NB, M |
CBRExclude |
Flag that indicates whether to prevent reporting of the account to the credit bureaus. 1 = Yes 0 = No |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB |
DebtorMemo |
Not used. |
16 |
Text |
None |
NB, M |
EarlyTimeZone |
Code that identifies the earliest time zone (for example, 5 is Eastern) allowed to call the customer. |
4 |
Integer |
None |
NB, M |
LateTimeZone |
Code that identifies the latest time zone (for example, 5 is Eastern) allowed to call the customer. |
4 |
Integer |
None |
NB, M |
ObserveDST |
Flag that indicates whether the customer is in a location that observes daylight savings time. 1= Yes 0 = No |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB |
RegionCode |
Not used. |
2 |
Char |
None |
NB, M |
TimeZoneOverride |
Not used. |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB |
JobCity |
Customer's employer's city. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
JobState |
Customer's employer's state. |
3 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
JobZIPCode |
Customer's employer's postal code. |
10 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
JoinedDebtorID |
Code that identifies a customer who is joined to the account. |
4 |
Integer |
None |
NB, M |
ReevaluateJoins |
Flag that indicates whether to reevaluate whether the customer is still joined to the account. 1 = Yes |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB, M |
DoNotJoin |
Flag that indicates whether to join the customer to the account. 1 = Yes |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB, M |
ID1 |
User-defined account ID. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
ID2 |
User-defined account ID. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
Personal Unique Record Number that an outside provider (such as a credit bureau) assigned to identify a person. |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |
IsLiable |
Flag that indicates whether the customer is liable for the debt. 1 = Yes |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB, M |
ShouldQueue |
Flag that indicates whether to display the account in a user's queue. 1 = Yes |
1 |
Bit |
None |
NB, M |
Worked |
Date a user last worked the account. |
8 |
DateTime |
None |
NB, M |
Contacted |
Date a user last contacted a party on the account. |
8 |
DateTime |
None |
NB, M |
AuthorizedForDebtorID |
Code that identifies the customer who authorized this person to discuss and pay the debt on the account. |
4 |
Integer |
None |
NB, M |
TimeZoneCode |
Customer's time zone code |
50 |
VarChar |
None |
NB, M |