
  • Contents

Specify a String Parameter

Use the String Parameter dialog box to specify parameters for a string data type.

To specify a string parameter

  1. Do one of the following:

Export Files tab - stored procedure

  1. In the Name box in the data grid, click the Edit icon for a string data type. The String Parameter dialog box appears.

String Parameter dialog box

Name: Descriptive name for the parameter.

Prompt: Message to display to the user to request input.

Sql: SQL statement to use to query data in the Latitude database.  

Select Mode: Indicates how users can select items from the query results.

Multi-Select: User can select one or more items from the query results.

Single-Select: User can select one item only from the query results.

Free Text: User must type a value.

Display: Field from the SQL statement to display to the user when exporting the data.

Value: Field from the SQL statement from which to retrieve the value to pass to the stored procedure.

  1. Complete the information and then click OK.

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Export Files