
  • Contents

Add a Record Type to an Export File

Use the Define Export Definition window to add a record type to an export file layout.

To add a record type to an export file

  1. In the menu bar, click Tools and then click Export Layout Definer.

  2. Click YGC Standard Layout and then click the file layout to define (for example, Bankruptcy, Deceased, Demographics). The Define Export Definition window appears.

  3. Click Add Record Type. The New Record Table Name dialog box appears.

New Record Table Name dialog box

  1. In the Name box, type a name for the record type and then click OK. A tab with the specified name appears.

Define Export Definition window - new record type

Name: Record type name.

Type: Record type. Valid values are:

FileContext: Record type occurs one time in the file. Select this record type for header and trailer records.

RowContext: Parent or only record type in the file. Only define one RowContext record type for each file.

Sub: Child record type within the file that relates to a parent or virtual header record type. A file can have multiple child record types.

VirtualHeader: Record type is the header record for multiple, stand-alone records that AIM cannot set as row context records.

For more information, see Export Record Types.

Max Occurs: Number of times a row can appear for each account.

For FleContext and RowContext record types, type "1".

For Sub record types, if only one Sub record exists with this record type name, type "1". If more than one Sub record can exist with this record type name, type "*".  

Key (Reg Exp): Regular expression syntax for locating this record. For more information, see Regular Expression Syntax.

Parent Relation [record type]: Name of the RowContext (parent) record type to link to the Sub (child) record type.

Parent Relation [field]: Name of the field to link to the Sub (child) record type.

Child Relation [record type]: Name of the Sub (child) record type to link to the RowContext (parent) record type.

Child Relation [field]: Name of the field to link to the RowContext (parent) record type.

Width: Total width of the record type. The width is applicable to fixed-length record types only.

Name: Field name.

Type: Field type. Valid values are:

String: Field contains alphanumeric characters.

Decimal: Field contains a number with two decimal places.

Integer: Field contains a number.

DateTime: Field contains a date, time, or both.

Format: Field format for decimal, date, and time fields.

Nodecimalpoint: No decimal point included.

nodecimalpointwithsign: No decimal point included. Number includes a plus (+) to indicate a positive number or minus (-) sign to indicate a negative number.

Signedascii: Number is in signed ASCII RMS format.

Julian: Date is in Julian format.

MM/dd/yyyy: Date is in month/day/year format.

MMddyyyy: Date is in month, day, year format, without slashes.

MMddyyyyHHmmss: Date is in month, day, year, hours, minutes, seconds format, without slashes.

yyyyMMdd: Date is in year, month, day format.

Width: Total width of the field.

  1. Complete the information in the top section regarding the record type.

  2. In the data grid, type data regarding the first field in the record into each of the columns and then press Tab. A blank row appears.

  3. Complete a row for each field in the record and then click Save.

Tip: To delete a row, click the box next to the Name column for the row to delete and then press the Delete key. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

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YGC Export File Layout Definitions