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Rebuild Agency or Attorney Evaluator Data

Use the StairStep Manager window to rebuild the data before you use the Agency/Attorney Evaluator tool.

To rebuild agency or attorney evaluator data

  1. In the menu bar, click Tools and then click StairStep Manager. The StairStep Manager window appears.

StairStep Manager window

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To include all agencies and attorneys in the data rebuild, select the All check box.

    • To include specific agencies and attorneys only, expand the Tier node and select the check box for each agency and attorney to include.

  1. In the Start Date list box, type the start date for which to rebuild the data.

  2. In the End Date list box, type the end date for which to rebuild the data. AIM includes in the data rebuild accounts exported as part of a placement batch within the specified date range.

  3. Complete the information and then click Rebuild. A notification dialog box appears when the rebuild is complete.

  4. Click OK.

Related Topics

Generate a Stair-step Report

Agency/Attorney Evaluator