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View Scheduled Recalls

Use the Agency/Attorney Calendar window to view scheduled pending and final recalls. AIM includes accounts scheduled for recall the next time AIM generates files for the corresponding recall type (for example, pending or final).

To view scheduled recalls

  1. In the menu bar, click Tools and then click Agency/Attorney Calendar. The Agency/Attorney Calendar window appears.

Agency/Attorney Calendar window

Pending recalls appear in green and final recalls appear in red. A rectangular box (see the 14th) marks the current date.

  1. To change the view, in the toolbar, click Month View or Week View.

  2. To view detail for a recall item, move the pointer over the item.

  3. To view information regarding the number of records scheduled for export for the current date, in the toolbar, click Export Data To Be Sent.

 Agency/Attorney Calendar window - export date

Related Topics

Account Placements and Recalls