
  • Contents

Account Status Card

The Account Status card displays the status information for the account displayed in the Work Form.

Account Status card

Tip: To see a description of the status; queue level; branch; or desk, rest your mouse on the data next to the label.

File Number: Unique code that the system assigned to identify the account.

Status: Status of the account. The status displays with a blue background for active accounts and a red background for closed accounts.

Q-Level: Queue level assigned to the account.

Q-Date: Date the account queued.

Branch: Agency branch assigned to the account.

Desk: Desk assigned to the account.

Note: If your organization placed a hold on the account, a message displays indicating that the account is on hold. To view the hold expiration date and reason, rest your mouse on the hold message.

Related Topics

Delinquency or Recovery Anchor

Standard Queue Levels

Queue Level Codes

Place an Account-Level Hold