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Add Expenses

Use the Expenses tab to add expenses for the account displayed in the Work Form. The Trigger Figures section displays the average expense amounts based on the number of people in the household and their ages. You must have the Trigger Values Permission to modify these amounts.

To add expenses

  1. In the Reference Panel navigation bar, click Available Panels and then click Income and Expenditure.

Income and Expenditure panel

  1. In the Reference Panel toolbar, click Add and then click the Expenses tab.

Income and Expenditure dialog box - Expenses tab

Mortgage: Mortgage expense and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Rent: Rent expense and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Council Tax: Council tax expense and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Utilities: Utilities expenses (including water, gas, and electricity) and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Telephone: Telephone expenses (including land line, mobile, and broadband) and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Television: Television expenses (including TV license and satellite TV) and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Vehicle: Vehicle expenses (including car tax, insurance, and fuel) and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Other Travel: Other travel expenses (such as public transportation) and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Food: Food expense and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Clothing: Clothing expenses and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Other Housekeeping: Other housekeeping expenses and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Other: Other expenses and the frequency in which the customer incurs this expense.

Trigger Figures - Trigger figures with a red background indicate that the actual expense exceeds the trigger value.

Phone: Maximum amount that your organization considers normal for telephone expenses.

Travel: Maximum amount that your organization considers normal for travel expenses. Travel expenses include car tax, insurance, fuel, and other travel expenses such as public transport.

Housekeeping: Maximum amount that your organization considers normal for housekeeping expenses. Housekeeping expenses include food, clothing, lottery, tobacco, social, and healthcare.

Other: Maximum amount that your organization considers normal for other expenses.

  1. Complete the information and then click Save.

Related Topics

Income and Expenditures

Trigger Values Permission