
  • Contents

Create a Custom Panel

Administrators can create a custom panel to display read-only data for an account displayed in the Work Form. An administrator specifies a name for the panel, the data to display, and whether users can view the panel in the Work Form. Administrators can create as many custom panels as necessary.

To create a custom panel

  1. Create a stored procedure that takes in the @accountid parameter as an INT and specifies the data to display in the panel. The @accountid parameter is the file number. The following example shows a procedure that pulls data from the lat.Note table:



    @accountid INT





SELECT [UserName], [ActionCode], [ResultCode], [Comment], [DateCreated]

FROM [lat].[Note]

WHERE [AccountId] = @accountid

ORDER BY [DateCreated] DESC





  1. Insert a row into the lat.UserInterfacePlugins table that specifies the plug-in name, display name (panel name), and Sproc name. Don't change the "type" or "URL" values. See the following example:

INSERT INTO [lat].[UserInterfacePlugins]

        ( [Type] ,

          [PluginName] ,

          [DisplayName] ,

          [Url] ,



VALUES ( 'PANEL' , -- Type - varchar(25)

          'GenericDataPanel' , -- PluginName - varchar(50)

          N'Generic Data Grid Panel' , -- DisplayName - nvarchar(100)

          N'workform/views/panel/genericPanel.tmpl.html' , -- Url - nvarchar(250)

          'dbo.TestNotes' -- Parameters - varchar(255)


  1. Enable the panel in the Reference Panels permission. When a user with the appropriate permissions opens the panel in the Work Form, Latitude calls the associated procedure, passes the file number, and displays the returned data in the associated panel.

 Custom reference panel

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