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View Account Balance Details

Use the Balance Details panel to view account balance details for the account displayed in the Work Form. The information that appears on this panel is based on whether the account is a delinquency or recovery account.

To view account balance details

  • In the Account Detail toolbar, click Balance Details. One of the following occurs:

    • For an account that the client charged off, the current balance information appears.

    • For an account that the client didn't charge off, the history balance information appears.

Current Balance

The Current Balance panel shows the amounts for each money bucket for recovery accounts.

Balance Details panel - Current Balance

Money buckets: (Rows) Categories used to group amounts associated to the account (for example, principal and interest).

Original: Balance of each money bucket on the day your organization received the account.

Adjusted: Amount the system or user adjusted each money bucket after your organization received the account.

Net Original: Original balance of each money bucket, plus or minus adjustments.

Accrued: Accrued interest (calculated interest, transaction fees).

Paid: Payment amounts received for each money bucket after your organization received the account.

Current: Current balance of each money bucket.

Total: (Last row) Total amounts for each of the columns.

Overpaid: Amount overpaid on the account (account balance less the amount paid).

History Balance

The History Balance panel shows account aging information by month and year for delinquency accounts.

Balance Details panel - History Balance

Linked Accounts: If selected, linked accounts are included in the panel.

Related Topics

Account Detail

Maintain Money Titles