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View Additional Account Information

Use the Additional Info panel to view miscellaneous account information for the account displayed in the Work Form.

To view additional account information

  • In the Account Detail toolbar, click Additional Information.

Additional Info panel

Account Type

Class: Class of business assigned to the account for reporting to credit bureaus.

Claim Type: Claim type that the system uses to determine the statute of limitations.

Account IDs

Original: Account ID the creditor assigned to the account originally.

Secured Loan: If selected, the customer pledged collateral against the loan.

ID 1: User-defined account identification.

ID 2: User-defined account identification.


Original: Original creditor assigned to the account.

Previous: Creditor previously assigned to the account.


Rate: Interest rate of the loan.

Date Assessed: Date the client assessed interest.

Client: Client associated to the account.

Division: Client's division.

District: Client's district.

Branch: Client's branch.

Related Topics

Account Detail

Claim Types