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View Credit Bureau Reporting Account Information

Use the Account Information tab on the CB Reporting panel to view pending and historical credit bureau reporting information for a responsible party on the account displayed in the Work Form.

To view credit bureau reporting account information

  1. In the Reference Panel navigation bar, click Available Panels and then click CB Reporting.

  2. Click the Account Information tab.

CB Reporting panel - Account Information tab

View History: Type of credit bureau reporting information to display.

Account ID: Code that the system assigned to identify the account.

Customer ID: Code that identifies the client on the account.

Primary Debtor: Code that identifies the primary customer on the account.

Portfolio Type: Code that identifies the portfolio to which the account belongs. For more information, see Portfolio Types.

Account Type: Code that identifies the account type, such as collection agency or business credit card. For more information, see Account Types.

Account Status: Code that identifies the reporting status of the account, such as assigned to internal or external collections. For more information, see CBR Account Status Codes.

Special Comment: Code that identifies a note about the account, such as "debt paid through insurance." For more information, see Special Comment Codes.

Consumer Account: Code that the client assigned to identify the account.

Last Updated: Date the system or a user last updated the account.

Last Reported: Date the system or a user last reported the account to a credit bureau.

Compliance Condition: Code that identifies the compliance condition, such as "account information disputed by consumer under FCRA." For more information, see Compliance Condition Codes.

Original Loan: Original loan amount.

Actual Payment: Monthly payment amount.

Current Balance: Current balance on the account.

Amount Past Due: Amount of the current balance that is past due.

Terms Duration: Terms for repayment of the account, such as number of months.

Original Creditor: Original creditor assigned to the account.

Creditor Class: Class of business assigned to the account for reporting to credit bureaus. For more information, see Creditor Classification Code.

Credit Limit: Maximum credit amount granted to the customer.

Charge-off Amount: Amount of the customer's debt that the client charged off.

Billing Date: Date the client billed the customer.

Delinquency Date: Date the account became delinquent.

Closed Date: Date the system or a user closed the account.

Last Payment: Amount the customer last paid on the account.

History Date: Date the system posted the payment history.

Payment History: Payment history codes that identify the monthly payment status for the past 24 months (for example, 30 days late).

Wait Days: Number of days to wait after receiving an account before reporting it to the credit bureaus.

Extend Days: Number of days to delay reporting an account to the credit bureaus.

[Name] tab: Displays a separate tab for each reported party on the account. The first tab with the Person icon is the primary party on the account.

Name: Party's full name.

Last: Party's last name.

First: Party's first name.

Middle: Party's middle name.

Suffix: Party's name suffix.

SSN: Party's Social Security Number.

Date of Birth: Party's date of birth.

Phone: Party's phone number.

Address: Party's street address.

City, State, Zip: Party's city, state, and postal code.

Country: Country where the party resides.

Transaction Type: Code that identifies the type of account transaction, along with a description. If you can't see the entire description, rest your mouse on the Transaction Type box. For more information, see Transaction Types.

ECOA Code: Equal Credit Opportunity Act code that identifies who is responsible for repayment of the debt, such as individual or joint. For more information, see ECOA Codes.

Information Indicator: Credit bureau consumer information indicator, such as reaffirmation of debt or petition for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Address Indicator:  Type of address, such as home, business, or military. For more information, see Address Indicator.

Residence Code: Residence status, such as owns or rents. For more information, see Residence Codes.

Last Updated: Date of the last update on the account.

Tip: To view the entire contents of a box when they aren't visible (for example, Account Status), rest your mouse on the box.

  1. In the View History list box, click the type of record to view (pending or historical).

  2. To view another party on the account, click the tab that corresponds to the party's name.

  3. To modify the compliance condition, in the Compliance Condition list box, click the condition and then click Save.

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Credit Bureau Reporting