
  • Contents

View or Modify Account Dates

Use the Account Dates panel to view important dates associated to the account displayed in the Work Form. To modify custom dates, you must have the Update User Date 1 Permission, Update User Date 2 Permission, and Update User Date 3 Permission.

To view or modify account dates

  1. In the Account Detail toolbar, click Major Dates.

Account Dates panel

Received: Date your organization received the account.

Date Closed: Date the system or a user closed the account.

Last Worked: Date the user last worked the account.

Last Contacted: Date your organization last contacted the customer.

Last Paid: Date your organization last received a payment.

Contract: Date the customer started the account with the client.

Client Date Last Paid: Date the client last received a payment.

Amount: (Client Date Last Paid Amount) Payment amount that the client reported as last received on the account.

Client Date Last Charge: Date the client last charged the account.

Amount: (Client Date last Charge Amount) Amount the client last charged the account.

Delinquency: Date the account became delinquent.

Charge Off: Date the client charged off the account.

Custom Date 1 through Custom Date 3: A user-defined date. The labels differ, depending on how your organization configured your system.

  1. If you have the permissions to modify the user dates, complete the information and then click Save.

Related Topics

Account Detail

Update User Date 1 Permission

Update User Date 2 Permission

Update User Date 3 Permission

Maintain Account Titles