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View Payment History Detail for an Account

Use the Transaction Detail dialog box to view payment detail for the account displayed in the Work Form.

To view payment history detail for an account

  1. In the Reference Panel navigation bar, click Available Panels and then click Payment History.

Payment History panel

  1. In the UID column, click the link. The Transaction Detail dialog box appears.

Transaction detail dialog box

System Month: Processing month associated to the payment.

Date Entered: Date a user added the payment arrangement to the system.

Entered By: User who added the payment arrangement to the system. If you set up an API key and create a payment using another program (such as Exchange Manager), the user associated to the API key displays here.

Batch Type: Type of batch associated to the payment, which is also the payment type. For more information, see Payment Type Codes.

Batch Number: Number that Latitude assigned to identify the payment batch.

Processed By: User who processed the payment batch. If you set up an API key and process a payment using another program (such as Exchange Manager), the user associated to the API key displays here.

UID: Code that identifies the payment transaction.

Matched: Indicates whether the system matched the payment to a reversal and, therefore, didn't include it on the invoice.

Date Paid: Payment date.

Date Invoiced: Date the system invoiced the customer.

Customer: Customer associated to the account.

Desk Code: Code that identifies the desk that added the payment.

Check Number: Check number associated to the payment.

Payment Method: Form of payment (for example, cash, check, credit card).

Invoice Number: Invoice number for the payment.

Comment: More information regarding the payment.

Money Buckets: Money buckets associated to the payment.

Paid: Amount of the payment assigned to the money bucket.

Fee: Collection fee associated to the money bucket amount.

Overpaid: Overpayment amount (amount paid less the account balance).

Total: Totals for payment and fee amounts.

Collector Fee: Total collector fees (sum of the fees for all the money buckets).

Agency Fee: Total agency fees.

  1. When finished viewing the information, click Close.

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Data Grids

View Payment History for an Account

Payment Type Codes