
  • Contents

SMTP Permission

Use the SMTP permission to specify Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) settings for email messages.


In the Navigation click Configuration > SMTP.


This permission is available for the System scope only.


The policy allows your organization to specify the configuration used to send email messages through Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Enable the permission for a scope and then specify the email message settings at the system level.

SMTP Server: mailserver.domain_name

Port (0=default): If 0, use the default SMTP port of 25. Otherwise, specify the port number to use.

Connect Using Secure Sockets Layer: If selected, connects to the SMTP server using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Authentication: The options are:

  • Anonymous (default) = no authentication

  • Basic = Provide a user name and password and select SSL

  • Integrated = Use Windows authentication

Username and Password: If you selected Basic Authentication, specify the user name and password to use.

Sender Domain: Domain address used for email messages (for example,

Timeout[sec]: Number of seconds to wait when sending an email message before displaying a time-out message.

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