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View Arrangement History

Use the Arrangement History panel to view historical payment arrangement information for the account displayed in the Work Form.

To view arrangement history

  • In the Reference Panel navigation bar, click Available Panels and then click Arrangement History.

Arrangement History panel

No.: Unique number that the system assigns to identify an arrangement.

Effective Start Date: Date the arrangement starts.

First Pay Date: Date the first payment is due.

Type: Type of arrangement, such as SIF or PIF.

User: User who created the arrangement.

Install: Amount of each payment.

Frequency: How often each payment is due.

Paycount: Number of payments in the arrangement.

Discount: Percent discount offered.

Method: Method to use to process the payment, such as credit card or check.

Paid: Amount paid toward the arrangement to date.

Status: Status of the payment.

Canceled Date: Date the user canceled the arrangement.

Failed Date: Payment decline date.

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