
  • Contents

SQL Statements

You can use SQL statements to limit which records to import. For information about filtering records, see Filter Records.

Master table SQL statement examples

The following are examples of SQL statements that you can apply to the Master table:

SQL Statement


Account is not null

Exchange Manager only imports rows with data in the Account field.

NewBusinessFlag = "Y"

Exchange Manager only imports records where the NewBusinessFlag field contains a "Y’".

Account <> ""

Exchange Manager only imports rows with data in the Account field.

[Account Name] <> ""

Exchange Manager only imports rows with data in the Account Name field.

Debtors table SQL statement examples

The following are examples of SQL statements that you can apply to the Debtors table:

SQL Statement


SSN <> ""

Exchange Manager only adds rows where the SSN field contains a social security number.

[Cosign Responsible] = "Y"

Exchange Manager only adds rows where the Cosign Responsible field contains a "Y".

Related Topics

Filter Records

Empty Rows

Define Multiple Row Handling

Import File Mapping