
  • Contents

Define an Export File Layout

Use the Export Definer window to define the layout for an export file. For more information about defining a file layout, see the Exchange documentation.

To define an export file layout

  1. On the Export File Configuration tab, click Modify Export Definition.

Export Definer window

  1. To create an Excel file layout, do the following:

    1. In the toolbar, click View Excel Sample.

    2. Save the file to any location and then modify it to reflect the model for the export file.

    3. Delete unused worksheets and save the Excel file.

    4. Do the next step to import the file layout.

  2. To specify a pre-defined export file layout (such as the one you created in the previous step), do the following:

    1. In the toolbar, click Import.

    2. Click the file that contains the export file layout and then click Open.

  3. To create the file layout (instead of using a pre-existing layout), do the following:

    1. In the toolbar, click Add Record Type.

    2. In the New Record Table Name dialog box, type the name of the record (without spaces.) The record name appears as a tab in the Export Definer window.

Export Definer window

Name: Name that identifies the field.

Type: Type of data the field can contain. Valid values are:

String: Text or numeric characters.

Integer: Numbers.

Decimal: Decimal field. Two decimal places accepted by default.

DateTime: Date, time, or both.

Format: Used to format DateTime and Decimal field types only.

DateTime – Format to use other than the standard (M/D/YYYY).

M=month, D=day, Y=year, H=hour, M=minute, S=second (for example, DDMMYYYY)

Decimal – If the file includes a decimal or the last 2 integers are decimal places, skip this box. Otherwise:

nodecimalpoint = No decimal used.

signedascii = Signed ASCII RMS format used.

nodecimalpointwithsign = Plus or minus sign used at end of integer.

Note: Some input strings that need complicated alteration or parsing before import could require custom programming.

Width: Maximum length of the data in the field.

    1. Click Add Database Field(s).

Database Field Picker dialog box

    1. Click the plus sign (+) to expand a category, select the check box for each field to add, and then click OK. The fields appear in the data grid.

    2. Modify the information for a field as necessary.

    3. To add a custom field, in the data grid, click in the blank row and complete the information for the custom field.

  1. To specify the general properties for the file layout, do the following:

    1. In the toolbar, click General Properties.

General Properties dialog box

CSV: (Comma-Separated Value.) If selected, the file is a delimited (separated) file. Specify the delimiter and qualifier.

Delimiter: Delimiter used to separate records (for example, comma, dash).

Qualifier: Qualifier used to specify strings that could have the delimiter contained within (for example, 1234, "Smith, John", ABC).

Fixed: If selected, the file is a fixed-length file. Specify the width for each record. The field width may also be indicated (optionally).

XML: If selected, the file is an XML file. Use only with assistance from Latitude by Genesys Support.

Excel: If selected, the file is a Microsoft Excel file.

Primary Table: Name of the primary table (record). This record is equivalent to a Latitude master record. The system assumes that records between each primary table in the file are dependent records (for example, notes, payment, bankruptcy).  

Header: If selected, indicates that the file includes a header record.  

Trailer: If selected, indicates that the file includes a trailer record.  

Verify Width: If selected, checks to see whether the file width matches the layout width defined. Generally used for fixed length only.

Multiple Records: If selected, indicates that the file contains more than one record type (such as dependent records, header records, trailer records).  

Has Dynamic Columns: If selected, the file could contain unmapped columns. The system stores extra columns as miscellaneous extra data.

    1. Complete the information and then click Save.

  1. In the Export Definer window, in the toolbar, click Save.

Related Topics

Export File Configuration