
  • Contents

View Performance

Use the Performance tab to view performance statistics that compare purchase price, expenses, and other criteria to the selling information.

To view performance

  1. In the Navigation Explorer pane, click Purchases.

  2. Double-click a purchase name. The information appears in the Information pane.

  3. Click the Performance tab and then click the Statistics tab.

Performance tab - Statistics tab

Account Information

Number of Accounts: Number of accounts imported for this portfolio.

Original Face Value: Sum of original balance for all accounts imported for this portfolio.

Current Face Value: Sum of current balance for all accounts imported for this portfolio.

Account Average Balance: Average of current balance for all accounts imported for this portfolio.

Accounts with Promises: Number of accounts imported for this portfolio that have a pending promise to pay in Latitude, based on active promises in the table. 

Accounts with PDC: Number of accounts imported for this portfolio that have a post-dated payment in Latitude, based on active post-dated checks in the table.


Net Back: Total profit gained from the purchased portfolio, including sales and payments received (credits and debits). 

Month to Date: Total profit gained from the purchased portfolio, including sales and payments received (credits and debits) for the current month only. 

Year to Date: Total profit gained from the purchased portfolio, including sales and payments received (credits and debits) for the current year only. 


Sales: Monies obtained from the (re-)sale of accounts in the purchased portfolio.

Payments: Payments received from debtors on accounts included in the purchased portfolio. 

Recourses: Payments or credits received from the buy back of accounts originally included in the purchased portfolio. 

Commissions: Monies refunded toward commissions.

Other: Any other credits for the portfolio. See Ledger tab for details.

Total: Sum of all credits for the portfolio.


Purchase: Monies expended for the purchase of the portfolio.

Reversals: Reversed (bounced) payments received from debtors on accounts included in the purchased portfolio. 

Media Expenses: Monies expended for the purchase of media for accounts imported as part of the purchased portfolio.

Operating Costs: Monies expended for the handling of accounts for the purchased portfolio.

Commissions: Monies paid toward commissions for the portfolio.

Total: Sum of all debits for the portfolio.

  1. To view a graph of the performance, click the Performance Graph tab.

Performance graph

Related Topics

Performance and ROI
